Monday, September 24, 2007

Drumroll, Please.......

Emcee: "Introducing Prairie Daisy Handspun's new collection of hand painted yarns!" *curtain opens*

"Ta Da! It's the Patchwork Quilt Hand Painted Yarns!" *music*

I'm being silly, huh? Oh well. I've done several of my sock yarns in this same style, but I thought it would be cool to give them a name. They're the ones with short color sections, so when they're knitted up, there are small patches of lots of colors. Thus..."Patchwork Quilt" yarns. I listed the first one using the new name this morning. It's called "Look at Those Maples." Here's a picture:

We'll have to wait and see if giving them a name makes them more appealing! :)


Bonny (Bonny Jewelry) said...

fun idea and I love the autumn colors in this batch!

Brenda said...

Thanks! :)

Morrgan said...

Haha, nothing wrong with being a little bit silly! ;) That looks like a very intersting idea though, I'm a friend of colour.

By the way, I tagged you on my blog. Take a peek at my latest blog post if you want to join the game. :)

Brenda said...

Oh, my, can I think of seven things? Give me a bit to think about this and I'll see what I can come up with. :)


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